Friday, August 27, 2010

My Thoughts on Love

Love.  The craving for a lover's embrace, the warmth of their caress as they softly pull you in close, entangling their arms around your body.  Love is food for the soul.  And regardless of the amount of disappointments I have come across in my young 23 years, I still remain ever the hopeful optimist about love.

 I think when all of us were younger, we dreamed of that perfect prince coming and whisking us away.  I know that I personally spent many a night, dreaming of a certain Jack Dawson from a certain movie about a sinking ship.  As we grow older with each passing year, we begin to realize, the world isn't filled with fairy tale princes waiting to sweep us all off our feet and take us to their magical kingdom in the sky, or in my case, penniless artists waiting for the chance to "save me, in every way a person could be saved."

While, most would be hard pressed to find an actual prince searching for his damsel in distress, perfect does still exist.  Just not in the way we've always perceived it to.  Perfect for you, is something that is realistically attainable.  That is, if you're searching for someone who loves you for who you are.  Searching for this by the way, won't save us from getting hurt, or taken advantage of.  Which leads me to my big realization of the day.

Something I think I've come to realize about myself and the world around me, life is too short to allow the inevitable heartbreaks and disappointments we will all face at one time or another to allow us to become cold to the world or to quit believing in love.  While long ago I gave up on the idea of "the one" or an actual "soul-mate",  I still harbor the ideals of true love and of finding someone who doesn't just put up with your flaws but loves you all the more because of them.  As should all of us really, because everyone is woRth love, we just have to believe we are, and go out and continue searching, without hardened hearts, for the one worth handing our heart over to.