Friday, December 31, 2010

the end of the year

2010 was a year of healing and life lessons for me.  I think one of the biggest lessons I learned, is that when something wonderful comes along, you don't push it away.  You embrace it, and give it everything you have.  I have always been afraid that if I go all in, I'll only end up hurt, but you know what?  I've learned it hurts more to realize you lost a chance at something amazing because of said fear.  the thing that gets me through it though, is knowing, that if something is meant to be, its meant to be.  Imperfect circumstance would surely only be a set back for something that is meant to be, and therefore, if things work out, then great it was meant to be.  And should they not, that's ok.  Letting go of something you love, is hard.  Letting go of something (or someone) that loved you back, is near impossible.  But I shall face the year anew with unbridled strength and resilience, and not fear the passing of time, as time is the healer of all wounds.

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