Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I haven't written lately.  I have had a bunch of blogs I almost posted and then didn't.

I have been under tremendous spiritual oppression.  I am wide awake and can't sleep because my body has spent the evening in the middle of a major spiritual battlefield, and even with prayer, I still can't sleep.  My body aches as if there is internal bruising...my back and legs and left foot especially.

I really got to know a few of my new friends from new hope tonight.

They really taught me something.

Its crazy how much God is working in my life.

He has been teaching me to "rest in the spirit"  and what that really means, and how to do so physically and emotionally.  ( still working on being able to do so under serious spiritual oppression.)

i feel like God has been teaching me, to have faith.  someone posted proverbs 23:15-18 a little bit ago.  I memorized it this week, choosing to take my focus off of the things on my mind bugging me and onto God.  It felt amazing to do this.

someone told me one of my strong gifts is love.  the other will be faith.  i don't know what to think.

and gah.... more spiritual attack.  sigh.  can i be honest readers, and just say i do not like discernment.  it isn't fun.  blissful ignorance...how I miss thee.

how creepy is it when you got o itch something on your head, and can just fel your hand being guided by something that isn't of God, and isn't you either.  bleh... I know that may not make sense to a lot of people..to me..it just creeps me out.

why is it the night of an interview i find myself in a ridiculous spiritual battle...this is nuts.  sigh of all the nights to be in a spiritual battle.  i don't mind the spiritual battle part...but could we have moved it to absolutely anytime AFTER 1 pm tomorrow?  that is literally ALL i am asking people.

oy vey.

I want to change the world with love.  the more i get attacked the more i realize my potential to be able to do so.  literally this oppression is only serving to strengthen my determination and stubborn nature.  I shall go forth and succeed.

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