Saturday, November 5, 2011

How I Have Felt Lately...

I apologize for being so terrible about up keeping this blog.  >.<  My mind has been a tumultuous mess as of late.

Here's where I have been....

If you envision world war II for a moment, I basically pissed off the enemy, (advanced in my faith) then jumped out of the safety of the trenches (God's protection), and away from my fellow soldiers (wasn't in fellowship) set down my gun (wasn't in the word), took off my armor (wasn't spiritually armored) and THEN on TOP of that,walked into the enemies territory naked (chose to sin habitually.)  When you look at it from that perspective, its absolutely insane.

 I now recognize that, and havee been in the process of repentance, but I recognize, my heart still isn't right with God, because it still longs for other things MORE than God.

Daddy Will You Write My Love Story?

This song makes me excited.  At first it made me really sad when I thought back on what I lost.  Now I realize, every time before, I tried to write my OWN love story.  This time, I want the creator of the universe, the author of time itself, to write my love story.  I feel like  a lil kid holding a folder with blank pages against their chest, waiting for their turn for God to write them their very own love story.  I have seen what He has done with others, and with friends, I wish to have God write mine too.  *waits on the lord*  Daddy, I know I am impatient.  But I would be so honored, if you would give me the desire to wait on you to write my love story.  Will you daddy?  Please?

Love always,

Stephanie D. Jacobs