Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  Going to church on Mother's Day can be a lonely ordeal, especially when you take into account the idea that the entire service was dedicated to moms and the way they lead their families to church.

I started to become sad, as I didnt have this type of upbringing.  But then, I realized the grace, in my life.  This type of upbringing would've caused me to rebel.  Instead, my mom allowed me to decide what I wanted to do in life, who I wanted to be, and how and (if) I wanted to worship God.
I'm so grateful for her allowing me to make my own decisions in life.   In a weird way, this is what brought me to God, knowing it was my choice.  Earlier in life, i had to go to catholic school for my grandparents, and as a result..I ran away as fast as I could from anything church related.  I think its cool how everything works out exactly the way its supposed to, even if it doesn't happen the way people think it should.

Sometimes it IS difficult knowing my family doesn't share my faith... (aside from my dad...sort of..)
but then I realize...if youpout about what you don't have, you are too busy to appreciate what you do have.  I have a wonderful, supportive family, who let's me make my own decisions in life.  Don't get me wrong, its far from perfect...but aren't all families?

Happy Mother's Day, to an amazing mom who has always been there, and always let me be who I want to be.

Monday, May 7, 2012


btw. Can I say...its incredible to watch God work...when for two seconds..i shut my mouth..and i listen.

he pt it on my heart to go to cornerstone.  i had no idea why.  but i went.  the pastor greeted me..and we chatted..i asked how things had been.  and this woman i knew..and loved..and her daughter..ame up and talked to him.  and she was hurting.  and i went and fond my friends...and hugged her.  and i as i sat with them...he put it on my go to sit with her...and i did..and after...we talked...and i prayed for her..and we went out to dinner..her daughter and a friend and i... and we sat...and talked... and she felt better after...and i realize that was the whole reason God called me there...was to be used by him to bless another..and it felt..amazing

btw.  im pretty sure i know whose been reporting me.  and if im right.  and its her.  shes been having relational issues.  so i prayed for her.  right there at my desk.  knowing this was likely the girl who reported me.  it doesnt matter.  i dont mind if most of the world hates me.  they hated christ first.

friday...i watched God do amazing work...saturday too.  those are both too long to type...its a story best left for another time.  haha.  er rather.  stories.

i talked to denise today about helping me build a diet thats right for me.  she said shes totally down to help me.  thats going to be a challenge.  a good challenge.