Monday, May 7, 2012


btw. Can I say...its incredible to watch God work...when for two seconds..i shut my mouth..and i listen.

he pt it on my heart to go to cornerstone.  i had no idea why.  but i went.  the pastor greeted me..and we chatted..i asked how things had been.  and this woman i knew..and loved..and her daughter..ame up and talked to him.  and she was hurting.  and i went and fond my friends...and hugged her.  and i as i sat with them...he put it on my go to sit with her...and i did..and after...we talked...and i prayed for her..and we went out to dinner..her daughter and a friend and i... and we sat...and talked... and she felt better after...and i realize that was the whole reason God called me there...was to be used by him to bless another..and it felt..amazing

btw.  im pretty sure i know whose been reporting me.  and if im right.  and its her.  shes been having relational issues.  so i prayed for her.  right there at my desk.  knowing this was likely the girl who reported me.  it doesnt matter.  i dont mind if most of the world hates me.  they hated christ first.

friday...i watched God do amazing work...saturday too.  those are both too long to type...its a story best left for another time.  haha.  er rather.  stories.

i talked to denise today about helping me build a diet thats right for me.  she said shes totally down to help me.  thats going to be a challenge.  a good challenge.

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