Thursday, August 9, 2012

Weak or Strong?

Is it weak to love someone with every fiber of your being from afar, knowing they chose someone else?  Is it pathetic to love them so much you hold them in high regard, and they end up being the drive behind your intent on living a full life, and you find yourself hoping they are happy?

Perhaps I was naive to think My ex was the one.  But I love him.  My heart races, my eyes dance.  This love is not one that is reciprocated, nor one that is meant to be talked of or shared with him, but in my heart.. I think I will always love him.

I have never been so happy.  You would think loving someone who has chosen another would lead to a sad life.  Quite the contrary.  I have a good job, and amazing people in my life.  I never even knew life could be like this.

My whole life, I idolized the idea of Jack Dawson.  Not because he was the person Rose spent the rest of her life with.  But because she would always love him, always hold a place for him in her heart, not because she was weak, or unable to move on, but because his presence in her life, saved her from the walls that had come crashing down on her.  Much in this regard, is how my ex saved me.

written SEVERAL months ago and just now posted (i never posted it for some reason..)

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