Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dear Future Husand

Hey!  I will pray that you are good today.  Today I realized I want to write a song...I don't know what about.  Also, I think I may make the main character of my book a writer, and add poems to the book that really explain how she's feeling, taken from my own experiences.  Might be kinda cool.  I have already decided to add the one I used to refer to as my current "magnum opus"  Hubby, sometimes life is so hard.

You ever find yourself trying to do the right thing, but sometimes the things you do with perfectly good intentions just end up so wrong?  I feel like that and it sucks.  I feel like, I am constantly banging my head against the wall screwing up.  Hubby, I hope you have patience, and an endless amount, cause I can be a serious handful.  I remember when my ex had nothing but patience for me, then things changed, and he was constantly being short with me.  Please don't be like that.  I get that I screw up and you have every right to be mad, but please don't overreact over every little thing or assume the worst in my character as if I'm personally attacking you and on purpose and out to get you.  It sucks when people do that.

I just pray that you are well today hubby.  I wonder if you pray for me too.  It was put on my heart "he prays for you."  I wonder if God meant you.  It made me cry.  In a good way.  That you are out there, somewhere, likely unaware of who I am, and I have an idea of who you might be, et when you pray for your wife, it affects me, because God knows who to send the prayer to.  Something about that is so comforting hubby.

Love always,

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