Sunday, May 8, 2011

In the Eyes of the World..

I am a loser.  I lost my job, I have no idea where I'm going, I am 24 with no direction in my life, I don't have a degree, I haven't got a career figured out, I live at home, I am not the world's idea of beautiful, I lost the guy I loved more than anything to another girl.

If you look at life like that, it is VERY depressing.

But in Christ, I have been freed from the world's idea of what I need to be.  My tests are blessings, meant to  bring me closer to God.  God will always provide us with opportunities.  If we look at the world as we are alone, and this is it, then how we measure up is really significant.  It then becomes important to not only measure up, but to excel.  To go as far as this life can offer you, since its all you get.  But when you die to yourself, die to your sins, and become reborn in Christ...

you realize, this fading, and dying away...and that's ok.  It is ok that the world is temporary.  It is ok that the world will fade away, and that one day we will die.  In Christ, we are freed from having to live for ourselves, we realize there is more.  We realize, if we let go, and just free fall, with no idea where we will end up, that God will take care of us, He will provide.  There is a level of comfort in knowing that.

I look at my job as a learning experience..and after I have truly grasped the lesson, God will provide another opportunity.  I look at my love life, like God knows my heart, in a way not even I fully understand it, and He has something better planned for me, whether I stay single or whether its someone He brings to me..either will fall into place as should.  I look at not knowing where I'm going as ok and good.  I will take it one day at a moment at a time.  What am I doing this moment, this hour?  (to quote what a friend said yesterday.)  She said don't focus on the big picture..focus on what you are doing in this moment.  It was sage advice I will take to heart.  >^_^<

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