Thursday, March 17, 2011


I'm writing this here, so one day, I can tell my family, and my husband.

I know who I'm going to marry.  I don't want to say the name in case they read this because I honestly don't think they have any clue yet.  Instead I'll say this.

About a month ago, I was really down, and I asked God to show me who I was gonna be with, because I was so sad over losing my ex.  I was like "Please God please, just show me who he is.  You don't have to give him to me yet.  Just show me who he is.  Just so I know I'm not alone."

Well, immediately after this, like either that night or the next (I forget if I asked Thursday or Friday right before Collide), I met him on a Friday night.  I knew it was him when I met him.  I stared up at the sky going, God was that him?? Was it???  He wasn't in town very often and had come by just to say hey to his old friends.  I saw him this one time, we didn't even talk very much.

A month passes.  I finally feel like I've healed (though not completely) from my ex.  I hear in my head "He will become your husband."  and I ask "Who?"  and am answered "Scott."  I excitedly thought this was God.  Uh, no.  Let it be known early on in my walk to faith, on my path, my own mind tried to fool me.  God set me straight.  I was sitting with two girls I think I will become very good friends with, both very beautiful women of faith, and telling them about what I heard and unsure of what it was, and then I was like "Nvm, I got my answer, I think it was God and if it wasn't well I guess I'll find out."  (I was so convinced I was going to marry my ex at this point and that God ordained this.)

Just then, the same guy, from a month ago that I met after asking God the first time, walks into the restaurant we're conversing in just to come say "hey" with a mutual friend of all of ours.  O.O

I asked a friend the next night who is stronger in faith and can hear God in a way I cannot yet to ask God about it, since he could hear the answer I couldn't.   My friend responded, "He says you know what it meant."  O.O

The world and the way I see it is changing.  I see the world in such a different way, and I have learned a lot about who I am to become, let it be known, I found out some of my gifts.

I am a clairvoyant.  O.O   I had my first real vision, apparently before I even came to faith.  I was with my ex.  I don't know if I had one before that, though occasionally I get a sense of deja vu.  It's really weird.  O.O
(Speaking of that vision, Scott, I get this feeling you should spend this weekend with your grandpa.  I'm not going to text you or email, cause I'm not entirely sure if I'm right, I don't want to ruin your weekend for no reason.  I trust if I'm right, God will give you the desire to read this.)
*Edit this weird feeling was for me not you Scott.  My mom ended up falling down the staircase.

Of the spiritual gifts, I think gifting is going to be one of my gifts, I have this huge desire if I come to money (which writers usually do) to give away more than I keep.  I think Mercy is my other spiritual gift.  I think faith will become one of my gifts as well. (Faith IS one of the 19 spiritual gifts of the holy ghost btw...)

I think I am going to take this all in stride.  I have found out, that once I learn to get my head out of this world, I will become stronger in faith, and once my faith is strong enough, I will be able to listen with my spirit (not my ears) for God.  Once I can do this, I will be told all of who I am and shown things.  Right then.  By following the words in my bible, and following my heart, I think perhaps, even someone like me, could change the world!

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