Friday, February 18, 2011

Learning to Trust

So I have come to the conclusion that God would not have given me the heart that I have if I were to remain single.  He has a plan for my heart.  Though life may have chipped away at my trust, slowly but surely I need to trust in God,  (btw totally a.d.d'tastic off topic moment...ever notice the irony in it saying "in God we trust" on money..since often times, its in the money people trust..not God??)   ..ok so anyways...I need to trust that God has a greater purpose for my heart.  Though it stings...I will look with courage and my own personal brand of hopelessly romantic optimism to the future.  As I take this journey one day at a time, I know with trust, and patience, and knowing that there lies a greater purpose for me, I may come to find what I'm looking for.  (Once I cease looking for it and just live my life that is.)

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