Friday, February 11, 2011

Self Love

Ok, so since I have decided to start loving myself, I figure instead of writing love poems about other people (since there wont be any for awhile) or writing about how my experiences in love, I would write about my own journey to self love.

I think the first step is to look at how God loves.  God looks at us with loving eyes, and he doesn't judge us (until we die.)  He loves everyone the same. Look at how he showed us how to love our enemies, by letting Judas close when he was on earth.  God sacrificed his son, so that we might be saved.  Jesus willingly died, for us.  He laid his life down.

Last night I went to a bible study.  I looked at one of the guys there and I said, "Can we be real for a second?  In love, you lose the fuzzy 'feeling' right?  I always thought love went beyond the initial feelings of lust and attraction that make your heart pound hard."

He very kindly looked back at me and replied, "I'm going to be honest.  Yes, you lose those.  Love is more about commitment to one another and sticking it out.  Marriage is NOT easy."  He then told me that when he first got married, he thought he had married the worst person ever, since everyone portrays love and marriage as happy dappy funland.  Then as he was around more married people he realized, "O, its all of them, its everyone.  Okay, she's not so bad afterall."

I think as media portrays love being this sweet, happy thing that we forget that love is about sticking it out.  Love is when the person is at their worst, you stick by them, and you don't judge them.  But before you can look at someone else un-judging you have to look at yourself this way.

Which leads back to the topic at hand. (Sorry for getting so off topic but I had a point.)  Self-love.  To look at someone who has wronged you with loving eyes is hard.  Looking at someone this way if you have never done this for yourself, nearly impossible.  I think the first step is going to be not judging myself when I make mistakes.  We say, don't judge others, that's God's job.  But what gives us the right to judge ourselves?  The fact is, that isn't our job either.  We judge ourselves for the smallest things.
While it is important not to be prideful or arrogant, we also shouldn't constantly tear ourselves down with unnecessary hatred and anger.  Be angry when necessary, but then let go.

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